Imagine dragons school thinder
Imagine dragons school thinder

imagine dragons school thinder imagine dragons school thinder

" Believer" was really good and deep as well-I've already explained it-and I'm now intrigued by "Thunder." They later released Smoke + Mirrors, and I never got very excited about it, but I've really been enjoying the singles from their upcoming albums. Of course, that was back when they only just had Night Visions out.

imagine dragons school thinder

I was interning for a US senator at the time, and I remember pulling up Grooveshark and listening to Imagine Dragons songs non-stop, and I feel like I've never stopped. She brought out Imagine Dragons, and while relationally she didn't change my life (I was only in the area for a few months), musically she might have. There was a girl I liked, and she, a few friends of ours, and I sat on her parents' living room floor sharing music. I remember hearing "Radioactive" for the first time. Just a few days ago, Imagine Dragons released "Thunder," and I have to say that I really like it.

Imagine dragons school thinder